“Londin helped me to touch my darkest parts with love and humor. She taught me that what you touch fully, resolves completely. That is the truth. My whole world has opened to the infinite magic around me, I see now that nothing about me needs to be fixed. I am perfectly imperfect, messy, immersed into the soup of life and I love every minute of all of it now. It won’t be the last time I work with Londin, it’s a yearly house cleaning for me. I’m eternally grateful and I look forward to more!”
Meredith Hamler

“Londin is a badass where miracles happen as a natural order of things. Working with Londin has transformed every aspect of my life, every fiber of my being. The most priceless and sacred gift I will forever be unwrapping from our time together has been absolute permission to be ME in the fullest sense. She helped me dive deeply into acceptance and honoring of embracing my “home” in the formless, dark matter places -my essential nature I never...
Ashley Barrett

“Londin absolutely rocked my world in the best possible way. She is an incredibly gifted teacher who not only holds deep wisdom and a really safe and strong container, but is also living this work in her own life which I found really reassuring and admirable. I have historically struggled finding my yes and my fullness in relationship and during these 12 weeks, working with her uncovered this for me and found this part of me with my man...
Cory Andrus

“Londin is a true modern witch in the best sense of the world. Working with her has helped me to redefine the archetype of woman, wife, lover – not just in theory but in practice. She has helped to guide me back to myself, to bring more juiciness and energy and play into my life, work and relationship. We need more women like Londin in the world and each of us who work with her have the opportunity through her guidance to step into our own power...
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Julia B.

“Londin Angel Winters is a uniquely gifted coach. I mean the real deal! Coaches write that sort of thing in their bio all the time but with her it’s true. I knew that the first time I listened to her speak online. I live half way across world from where she is and yet I ‘had‘ to work with her. She spoke to the deepest parts of my heart and held the terrified little girl inside me. It took nine months to get the opportunity but waiting was worth it because I knew on a soul level...
Aimee Moore

"Being a part of Londin’s Women’s Program has elevated and freed up my mind, my body, my spirit, and my being… beyond its original dimension of existence. It is the perfect balance of structure, education, guidance, accountability, and flexibility to meet you where you are and encourage you to go deeper in order to listen to the wisdom of your own body."
Allison B.

“Working with Londin was one of the best parts of my week – not to say the embodied sensations and experiences were always lovely by any means, but the connection and permission to fully embody the Truth, my truth, my innate power, our shared sense of humor, my capacity to be intimate with ALL of life, and to learn to express ALL of myself was worth being excited for and worth the privilege of doing working together. Londin holds an extraordinarily powerful and safe container, as well as...
Jayne Gottlieb

When I started my coaching with Londin I had tried different coaches and methods. I was searching and trying to find something. But nothing seemed to help me. I am a successful businesswoman and physiotherapist with a book and method about childbirth and how to give birth without fear. I have my own company that I built up to live my life as I want to. I have and still do my life, purpose and calling full on. Nothing can stop me from trusting and believing in myself in this field...
Susanna H.

“Londin Winters has completely changed my life. I have done lots of work on myself, in various modalities: individual therapies, courses, meditation, dance practice, spiritual seeking and yet up until meeting Londin, something was missing. A new neural pathway into living my highest potential. She has helped me access my divine feminine, my true radiance as a woman, my sensuality, my Kali – my rage that serves to awaken unconsciousness, my truth and my exquisite devotional love....
Kim Farrant, Filmmaker

"In my work as a fashion model I learned how to capitalize on my feminine expression, though in that career I felt the burden of squeezing myself into a prescribed box of ‘appropriate’ and ‘aspirational’ femininity. It wasn’t until my work with Londin that I learned how to truly recognize, embody and own my unique feminine fullness. Through my work with her I have begun to transition into a career far more fulfilling and created a wild, deep, passionate relationship with a man who became my husband. My life has profoundly changed thanks to my work with Londin."
Hana Mayeda

"I am so deeply grateful for having been able to work with Londin. I feel like it’s such an honor, a true blessing. Londin is an example of how I want to walk through this world. When I see her doing life and the way she embodies her body in her life and all aspects of who she is—I want that. It was because of our work together that I had really made space for my guides to come into my life and I made space for them to speak through me, to me, through me. All my senses are opening every day. My third eye and my intuition and my pineal gland are getting wider...
Lola Manekin

"I hired Londin because while I was successful with money, I knew there was more depth, abundance and pleasure available for me in love than I was experiencing and I was tired of spinning my wheels trying to “figure it out.” Within a month of our work together, the quality of my experience with men skyrocketed and for the first time in my 40 years, I awakened to what it meant to be in devotion to a man who’s consciousness is worthy of my worship. I now have daily practices to rely on to stay deeply connected with myself, my womb and my truth...
Keri Nola

"Londin always amazes me with her incredible depth and wisdom. She’s one powerful package who gets to the heart of the matter, no matter what’s presented. In a short time of working with her, she’s helped me grow in many ways – and she got me moving and exercising again! I’m truly grateful for the work, sisterhood and example she offers."
Adele U.

"So much has opened up for me through working with Londin!! She has helped me connect with the deepest aspects of myself beyond what I ever imagined was possible and find power and strength that was always there but had been so covered up, I literally thought it was ‘the problem!’ I’m SO grateful to have found this work, which is unlike anything I have ever encountered. My sexuality has changed, and my entire relationship with my husband opened in the most incredible ways."
Dr. Kim D’Eramo

"Justin and Londin’s teachings should be required reading for many of us. For me, they were a gateway to unprecedented growth. In a coaching engagement with Londin, I learned both how to heal wounds from my childhood and advocate for what I need in a romantic relationship. The experience was one of the most transformational I’ve had as an adult and I cannot recommend Londin’s mentoring more for any woman looking to grow in her identity and sense of self."
Emily G.

"Londin creates a space I don’t find anywhere else — a space to be, to relax, to express, to play and to expand. All hats come off… the mother, the partner, the worker… and paradoxically, by the end of practice, I am all of those things x 10 in their highest expression, ready to offer myself fully in all areas of my life. My heart is profoundly expanded, my body open and my entire being switched on and inspired to live life to the fullest. Thank you Londin, you are a rare gift!"
Keri L.

"Working with Londin has changed my life. I am doing single bodied practice. Working with Londin has been an experience of truth, trust and integrity. She held me in such perfect attention and consciousness as if she was right in the room with me. Her integrity and love for the work shines through. I felt, seen heard and understood which allowed me to go deeper. I love homework and she gave the perfect homework for me to feel like it was play. All that I experienced with Londin has allowed me to go deeper in my practice."
Elena S.

"I cannot express to you how fortunate I am after having the opportunity to be guided by you and your wisdom. Attracting Your Beloved has opened my eyes to so many new perspectives that have helped me understand the essence of ME and where I am right now, in the present moment. After learning your practices of attracting someone into my life who can have the potential to be my sacred partner, I am more confident than I ever have been. I learned so much about myself and learned to tap...
Allison Mocek

"Londin and Justin’s Yoga of Intimacy weekend retreat changed my life and I feel even more excited for sacred partnership. As a facilitator myself, I shared with Londin I want to be like her. She is the true embodiment of her teachings both as a woman and as the divine feminine in sacred relationship. I admire her honesty, realness and rawness..
Nikki Starr, M.D.

"Londin, your teachings have changed my way of life. I am more aware of my body, my emotions, and my intuition. I am learning more each day how to monitor my energy and be in the present moment. I look forward to taking these new awakenings into my yoga teacher training. I definitely need to get back to your temple snakes and continue that pathway of medicine. I look forward to our meeting again, and I am forever thankful for your work."
Julia Fuquay