Keri Nola

"I hired Londin because while I was successful with money, I knew there was more depth, abundance and pleasure available for me in love than I was experiencing and I was tired of spinning my wheels trying to “figure it out.” Within a month of our work together, the quality of my experience with men skyrocketed and for the first time in my 40 years, I awakened to what it meant to be in devotion to a man who’s consciousness is worthy of my worship. I now have daily practices to rely on to stay deeply connected with myself, my womb and my truth and this has magnetized the most deliciousness I’ve ever tasted. I finally feel like I have a trustable foundation to rest on as I continue dancing with the daily experience of embodying the infinite radiance of being a love-driven being. While Londin’s wisdom, teaching and mentorship is unparalleled, it is that coupled with her embodied transmission of this work that took me to the edge of my practice and unlocked the codes that reminded me what it looks and feels like to play the notes of an awakened woman. I am forever grateful."