To the Awakening Woman…

My message to you is this: whether you’re 22 or 68, you have so much life to live. You don’t have to settle. You don’t have to choose career over love. You don’t have to be subdued in your power to be ravished by a strong man. And you don’t have to give up your dreams for practicality, or your business to pursue spirituality.
You can be the ultimate creator and live your full destiny… with the lover of your dreams by your side. I say this because I have proven it’s possible. My journey has taken me in countless directions and down seemingly unrelated paths. But I followed my heart to each of them with the same goal in mind…
To know what truly liberates the human soul into its greatest incarnation.
This is my passion. My desire to live a full, deep, rich life. A life where I can show up 100% as the truest version of myself is what has led me down this path. And now, I want to share it with you.
Today I’m Best Known For:
My Amazon best-selling books, Playing With Fire: The Spiritual Path of Intimate Relationship and The Awakened Woman’s Guide To Everlasting Love.
My work as a teacher and practitioner of sacred intimacy — leading high-end online couple’s practice evenings with my partner, Justin, on Patreon transmitting sacred sexuality teachings as founders of The Yoga of Intimacy.
Coaching women through my monthly women’s meet up (online), mentorship programs and online courses to reawaken their power — both Alpha (masculine) and Omega (feminine) — and to lead their lives from the empowered place of using both energies consciously.
But before you think I’ve lived my whole life in a love-happy bubble of “having it all,” let my share my story.
My Story

My story is like most modern women. I was passionate about creating success in my career and impact in the world, but equally interested in being romanced, ravished, cherished and deeply loved.
My 20’s and 30’s were a string of successes in my career and it seemed I could manifest anything I set my heart on.
I graduated in the top ten percent of my class at Northwestern University and soon went on to have tremendous success in my career… I became a top producer for NBC News and won an Emmy for best newscast of the year. I executive produced a travel show network. I created financial freedom through passive income. I turned to fitness and became a champion physique competitor using metaphysical techniques. I took my expertise and unique approach to creating results and made them available to the public through the popular body-sculpting home workout series Mindful Sculpt, and its companion book and online course Loving Your Weight Off, speaking around the country on how to end the battle with food and body once and for all.
My achievements in the professional side of my life came easily to me and I was on a path of expansion and learning. I completed courses and certifications in everything that interested me. From the Landmark Forum series, to mastery certifications in Hypnotherapy, NLP, DNA Theta, NASM & CES, and that’s just to name a few. To this day, I use pieces of each of these modalities in my work.
But despite my growth, expansion and success I still just couldn’t get it right in love.
At a young age, I even got married and ended up divorced a few years later when my relationship came to a heartbreaking end. I’d dealt with a string of terrible dating experiences and still felt unmet. Single and at the height of my professional success, I was ready for a change in my love life.
I craved the relationship most modern women are seeking… one that would both feed my desire for romance and connection but also support me in my work and career.
I read books about relationships and dating. I took every course available, including completing Allison Armstrong’s teacher training and Landmark’s yearlong love course. I even went to somatic therapy for several years. Although I learned a lot on a conceptual level, nothing concrete shifted in my life. All of my seeking was helping me develop into a unique and effective coach and an intuitive healer, and yet a piece of me still felt unfulfilled.
But finally something changed. I learned the art of surrender.
Finally… Steamy Romance
I found a modality of intimacy that focused less on what you understand in your mind around love and relating. And instead focused on what you do with your body. This was the game-changer for me and I’ve been studying and practicing this art ever since.
Because I had already mastered a very intimate connection with mind, body and spirit through my fitness pursuits, I was a natural at embodiment. When I applied embodiment to intimacy my life changed.
I came to understand that I had been operating in my love life they way I learned to operate in my career — through Alpha energy (the masculine).
This was repelling the kind of men I liked and attracting the kind of men I didn’t. As soon as I learned that being able to shift into Omega, the feminine energy, was the way to attract the Alpha men I desired, things started to shift in my love life

Applying the principle of surrender, I suddenly began to attract very interesting men toward me. The most interesting, of course, was Justin, my beloved of almost 10 years now. We had a rocky relationship at first. We were in different places in our personal journeys, and couldn’t even imagine the powerful partnership we would eventually enter together. But I applied all the principles I now teach and we found our way into a deep, committed relationship.
Before long, Justin became inspired and interested by the practices I was bringing to our relationship. We began studying and practicing sexual yoga intensely together.
We studied individually and together under some of the world’s most renowned intimacy teachers, including David Deida, for 10 years where I learned the more masculine path. And Nita Rubio where I learned the more feminine left-handed path.
Through discovering the power of polarity, I was suddenly able to have the relationship dynamic I wanted. I learned that if I stayed in Omega, I could have passion, connection, and feel romanced. However, the concept of staying in the “strict feminine,” with Justin in the masculine quickly lost its allure. It meant giving up the life of achievement and contribution I had lived up until this point. This went on for about three years.
Eventually, it became obvious to both me and Justin that something was missing. Being docile, demure, and quiet to keep a man around was not the way I wanted to show up in this life. And so we broke away and set out to create our own work, The Yoga of Intimacy.
And… Powerful Partnership

We developed a path which allowed both of us to show up as our full selves while still preserving the juicy goodness of polarity.
With the full embrace of our authentic selves, my relationship with Justin bloomed into something I had never known I could have in romantic partnership.
We found that by being together we could ultimately serve and support one another’s highest purpose. That by mastering both Alpha and Omega energy, we could have the opportunity to have the kind of success we both desire, while having the relationship of our dreams.
Thanks to this work, I have a life today where I am cherished in my Alpha and Omega energies, where I enjoy sexual sparks 10 years in and where I wouldn’t trade what I have for anything. I get to experience love and ravishment inside of all the ways I naturally am, whether that is powerful, feminine, wild, soft, masculine, strong, or sensitive.
I teach the women I work with how only by understanding and embodying both Alpha and Omega energy — and learning to use each consciously — can you really live a fully integrated life of balance and fulfillment.
A part of my mission is to share with women that you don’t have to waste your time being inert to have a great man. And being a strong leader and successful business woman does not have to take a toll on your relationship.
I show the women I work with — whether through coaching, workshops, snake ceremony, or my online programs — how they can be in a loving relationship, kick ass in their lives, and feel sexy while they do all of it.
I work with the kind of women who want to show up fully in every area of their lives and find out what’s possible for them in this life, in relationship with themselves and their precious bodies, in relationship to their mission and in relationship to their beloved.
Today I know, the reason I have been down so many seemingly unrelated roads is because each one has held of piece of turning me into the teacher I am today. My desire is to unlock the keys to permanent results. I use pieces of each of the modalities and trainings in my past to bring you transformation so you can truly come home to yourself. So you can step into and fully embody your true power, radiance, and destiny as love.
Enter The Snake
Embodiment in fitness and intimacy ultimately led me to my work with temple snakes.
Snakes represent the ultimate in sensual embodiment. They teach you how to show up in your full self, present, grounded and powerfully sensitive to the moment. They have been the greatest teacher I have ever encountered.
I had a lifelong relationship with the serpent. As a child, I deeply loved snakes. We lived in the remote woods in North Carolina and I would play in the woods all day with the snakes. Throughout my life, I would have these very intense snake dreams. Each time they were so powerful, so earth-shaking, that I would spend many months unraveling their messaging. These dreams were some of my most potent teachers. They would create incredible growth points for me, whether that was inviting me to stand in my power, become more authentic in my life, or liberate expression in my body.

The first time I held a live snake in my adult life, I literally “woke up” to an aspect of my destiny that I had forgotten. My heart started beating, my body was vibrating. In a powerfully visceral way, I remembered that the serpent was a major part of my path, not only in this lifetime, but in past lifetimes as well. I knew I needed to own my own serpent. I ended up raising four temple snakes and spending many years leading women in sacred snake ceremony, including being featured in Gwyneth Paltrow’s Sex Book.
When Justin and I found ourselves unexpectedly pregnant at 47 years old, my life took a huge right-turn to say the least. I went from being a full-time snake priestess to being a mom! I chose to find new homes for my beloved beings and put a pause on my work offering sacred snake ceremony. I am eternally grateful for their medicine in my life. The serpents have informed my work tremendously. They have taught me everything I know about embodiment. They showed me the essence of raw power, total authenticity and living in congruence body, mind and soul.
Short Bio

Author & Founder of the Yoga of Intimacy
Londin Angel Winters is an author, teacher, and thought leader in the conversation of sacred intimacy. Her passion is helping others reclaim pleasure, thrive in sacred relationship, and love like they’ve never been hurt.
She and her life partner, Justin Patrick Pierce, are the authors of Playing With Fire: The Spiritual Path of Intimate Relationship and The Awakened Woman’s Guide to Everlasting Love, owner’s manuals for attracting love, creating passion, and sustaining sacred relationship. Together, they lead transformative, high-end retreats that immerse attendees in their signature training, Yoga of Intimacy.
Londin offers private intimacy coaching for singles and couples, weekend workshops, monthly group calls, as well as online video courses.